North Shore, Auckland 0620 PO Box 31645
021 254 9159
30+ A Day?

30+ A Day?

How many different foods do you eat every day, on average? It is recommended we eat at least 30 different foods per day.  The world has over 50,000 edible plants, but just three of them, rice, corn and wheat, provide 60% of the world’s energy...

To My Mentee

To My Mentee

“It might take a year, it might take a day, but what’s meant to be will always find its way” Unknown I believe one of the reasons people develop burnout and mental depletion is because we have more outputs than inputs. A couple of years...

Be a Limey – Vitamin C

Be a Limey – Vitamin C

Vitamin C gets all the publicity as the captain of the immune-enhancing ship, because it is essential for a properly functioning immune system. Multiple cells which comprise our immune system utilise vitamin C to perform their tasks. Vitamin C is...

Past and Future Medicine

Past and Future Medicine

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates. Traditional Medicine was developed over generations within various countries/continents of the world before the era of modern medicine.  It stems from a natural and holistic...

Fatigue… beyond iron deficiency

Fatigue… beyond iron deficiency

Do you go straight to the pharmacy or health store to buy iron tablets at the first sign of fatigue?  Without a blood test to confirm your iron levels? Do you know that it can be dangerous to take iron tablets if you don’t need to, especially...

Hyperthyroidism Natural Treatment

Hyperthyroidism Natural Treatment

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located at the front of the neck.  It plays a mighty role for its small size.  It determines the body’s metabolic rate, energy levels and temperature.  Hyperthyroidism is overactive thyroid, when the...

Enhance Your Resilience to Stress

Enhance Your Resilience to Stress

Are you tired but wired?  Here are my top 10 tips to enhance your body’s resilience to stress… B complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B7) are vitally important for the adrenals and energy production. B vitamins are water soluble...